How deep is the water in the cenote at Chichen Itza?

about 48 metresThe cenote is about 60 metres (200 ft) in diameter and about 48 metres (157 ft) deep. Cenote Ik Kil is near the Maya ruins of Chichen Itza, on the highway to Valladolid. Ik Kil was considered sacred by the Maya who used the site as a location for human sacrifice to their rain god, Chaac.

What was the sacred cenote of Chichen Itza used for?

Chichén Itzá is one of the archeological sites that has a ceremonial cenote. The site is located in the Yucatán Peninsula and dates back to the Pre-Classic Period (1500BC – 300AD). Archeologists know this particular cenote was used for ceremonial sacrifice because near the top is a small building where a priest lived.

Can you visit the cenote at Chichen Itza?

Travel back in time as you explore the Mayan archaeological ruins of Chichén Itzá on a guided tour. Connect with nature as you swim in the azure waters of the Cenote.

Is cenote swimming safe?

The cenote is a popular, frequently regulated attraction that, for years, has been deemed safe for swimming. Best of all, we always provide life jackets and snorkeling equipment, so we can mitigate any safety risks as much as possible.

Is swimming in cenote safe?

The cenote is a popular, frequently regulated attraction that, for years, has been deemed safe for swimming. Best of all, we always provide life jackets and snorkeling equipment, so we can mitigate any safety risks as much as possible.

Can you swim in cenotes?

Unlike the ocean where there can be big waves or a strong undertow, cenotes are closed off – within caves – that protect the calm, azure waters from the elements. This typically makes them an ideal spot for a restful swimming experience.

Do you have to swim in cenote?

Also most of the larger cenotes have walking paths, benches, and common areas down to the water so you can hang out, dip your feet in, maybe relax for a few. The areas around the cenotes are stunningly beautiful so I encourage you to see them and you don't have to swim in them if you don't want to.

Can you go to cenotes if you can’t swim?

You certainly can! You can climb down to the cenote and sit in the water without needing to swim. Even without swimming I highly recommend it!

Can you swim in the sacred cenote at Chichen Itza?

How cold is cenote water?

around 70 to 80 degrees FahrenheitMost of the time, the water in cenotes is typically cool and refreshing, with temperatures ranging from around 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 27 degrees Celsius). In some cases, the water may be warmer or colder, depending on factors such as the depth of the cenote and the surrounding air temperature.

How many bodies are in the Sacred Cenote?

200 bodiesTo this day, over 200 bodies, jewels, ceramics and gold pieces have been found as part of the archaeological findings in the cenote. The Sacred Cenote is one of the cenotes that has held the most tributes and sacrifices.

How deep is the sacred cenote?

This natural well, spanning 60 meters in diameter and reaching a depth of 22 meters, was used by the Mayans as a sacrificial pit for virgins, warriors and even infants.

Is it safe to swim in Mexican cenotes?

Are the Cenotes in Tulum Safe for Swimming? Unlike the ocean where there can be big waves or a strong undertow, cenotes are closed off – within caves – that protect the calm, azure waters from the elements. This typically makes them an ideal spot for a restful swimming experience.

How cold is the water in a cenote?

around 70 to 80 degrees FahrenheitMost of the time, the water in cenotes is typically cool and refreshing, with temperatures ranging from around 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 27 degrees Celsius).

Is it safe to swim in a cenote?

Are the Cenotes in Tulum Safe for Swimming? Unlike the ocean where there can be big waves or a strong undertow, cenotes are closed off – within caves – that protect the calm, azure waters from the elements. This typically makes them an ideal spot for a restful swimming experience.

Is cenote water salt or fresh?

Are Cenotes Fresh or Salt Water? It depends on how deep and how close to the sea they are. A shallower cenote further inland is likely to be fresh water, but the deeper you go down into the cave the higher the chance of encountering the salt water.

Do you swim in cenotes?

Cenotes are natural swimming holes formed by the collapse of porous limestone bedrock, which reveals a secret subterranean world of groundwater pools. The Mayans revered cenotes because they were a source of water in dry times; indeed, the name cenote means "sacred well".

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