How much did the Elizabeth Line tunnel cost?

$25 billionConstruction of the line hit £18.9 billion, that's $25 billion, but Byford said in March that £150 million was still needed to finish the project. Crossrail Ltd was still figuring out how to fund the additional costs, he said.

What was the original budget for Crossrail?

In October 2007, a funding envelope of £15.9 billion was agreed to deliver the Crossrail project in its entirety. In 2009, the anticipated cost of the programme had risen to £17.8 billion, which triggered action from Crossrail to reduce costs.

How much has the government spent on Crossrail?

July 2021. The National Audit Office puts the estimated cost of Crossrail up to £18.9bn – £3bn higher than the original estimate.

Is Crossrail more expensive than tube?

Today's announcement means that journeys on the brand-new railway from east London stations such as Whitechapel or Canary Wharf through central London to stations in the west such as Paddington, Southall or Ealing Broadway will cost the same as an equivalent Tube journey.

How much did the Crossrail cost overrun?

Delayed by issues with safety testing and signalling systems, even before the onset of the pandemic, Crossrail has opened three and a half years late and more than 4 billion pounds over budget for a total cost of 18.8 billion pounds ($23.6 billion).

How much did the Crossrail tunnel cost?

Why did Crossrail cost so much?

The NAO report concludes that the latest cost rises are because “the programme was further from being complete than Crossrail Ltd realised when it set the revised cost and schedule in April 2019”.

Is Elizabeth line profitable?

TfL's Finance Report Period 7, 2022/23 says “Journeys on the Elizabeth line (EL) have been above expectations since the opening of full services on 24 May. Journeys are 20 million better than Budget in the year to date, with income £29m higher than expected.

Has the Elizabeth line paid for itself?

John Dickie: London has paid for the Elizabeth Line, the whole country is benefiting from it. In less than three weeks Londoners will finally get something they haven't had since Queen Elizabeth was in her early forties: a brand-new Tube line.

How many died Crossrail?

Four people have also been killed by Crossrail lorries during the project. And in a lesser reported story, Crossrail workers at the Bond Street station “downed tools” following the deaths of five colleagues.

How much did the Queen Elizabeth Railway cost?

How much did the new Elizabeth line cost? The Elizabeth line itself has been rather less punctual. The 19 billion-pound (€22.5 billion) mixed overground and underground railway, is three-and-a-half years late and 4 billion pounds (€4.7 billion) over budget.

How much money has the Elizabeth line made?

TfL's Finance Report Period 7, 2022/23 says “Journeys on the Elizabeth line (EL) have been above expectations since the opening of full services on 24 May. Journeys are 20 million better than Budget in the year to date, with income £29m higher than expected.

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