What is Eurotunnel now called?

We are excited to launch our new look, and our new name. Eurotunnel Le Shuttle will now be known as LeShuttle.

What is Eurotunnel called in France?

LeShuttle (formerly Eurotunnel Le Shuttle and also known as The Shuttle) is a railway shuttle service between Coquelles (near Calais) in Pas-de-Calais, France and Cheriton (near Folkestone) in Kent, United Kingdom.

What is the nickname for the English Channel tunnel?

ChunnelThe Channel Tunnel (often called the 'Chunnel' for short) is an undersea tunnel linking southern England and northern France.

Is the Eurotunnel and Chunnel the same thing?

Eurostar and Eurotunnel are completely different companies but they share use of the Channel Tunnel. Eurotunnel is operated by Getlink, the company that owns and operates the Channel Tunnel, connecting the UK with France, while Eurostar is a customer of Getlink and runs its passenger trains through the Chunnel.

What is the Eurotunnel real name?

Why is Eurotunnel changing its name?

With the goal to evoke feelings of freedom and ease when travelling, the team wanted to showcase the simplicity offered by LeShuttle, as well as create something a little more futuristic. The shortened name was pitched to separate the infrastructure from the service and give the whole brand a more contemporary feel.

Does the Eurotunnel still exist?

The Eurotunnel is a 50km long rail tunnel that runs underneath the Channel from Folkestone in Kent in southern England to Calais in northern France. From the Calais terminal, LeShuttle customers can drive anywhere in Europe.

Could you ever drive through the Chunnel?

It is not possible to drive a car or motorcycle through the Channel Tunnel. Instead, motorists must drive onto the Eurotunnel Le Shuttle train, which boards at the Channel Tunnel terminals in Folkestone and Calais.

How fast does the Eurotunnel go?

Channel Tunnel

ElectrifiedOverhead line, 25 kV 50 Hz AC, 5.87 m
Operating speed160 km/h (99 mph) (track safety restrictions) 200 km/h (120 mph) (possible by track geometry, not yet allowed)
Route map
Wikimedia | © OpenStreetMap

Do you stay in the car on Eurotunnel?

Drive on, relax, drive offDepending on the height of your car, you will need to follow signs for single-deck boarding or double-deck boarding (find out more here). You and your pets stay in your vehicle throughout the journey – sit back and relax, it only takes 35 minutes to cross.

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