January is one of the cooler months with temperatures usually around 10°C. It's great weather for hiking or cycling, and if you love peace and quiet, you'll find it perfect as there are very few tourists at this time of year.
How hot is Cyprus in January?
The average high temperature in Cyprus during January is 17ºC, although things can get quite chilly at night so bring some warmer clothes for the evenings. The typical sea temperature's 18ºC, while humidity's low.
Is it warm in Cyprus in January?
Is Cyprus welcoming tourists?
Tourist arrivals to Cyprus reached 3,201,080 people in 2022, compared to 1,936,931 in 2021, according to a report released on Tuesday by the Cyprus Statistical Service (Cystat).
Why is Cyprus so popular?
A holiday in Cyprus offers the perfect blend of interesting history, culture, great beaches and relaxation. From romantic harbours offering stunning coastal views to stretches of golden sandy beaches, the island is a sun-soaked haven in the Mediterranean.