What is Algarve like in January?

The weather in the Algarve in January is on average 15°C. The sea temperature is around 17°C. On days when the sun shines, this can rise from 17°C to 20°C. January is the coldest month in the Algarve, but compared to the cold winter months here in the Netherlands, the temperatures are still very mild.

Is it worth visiting Algarve in winter?

Lower prices. If you visit the Algarve in December, January or February, you can enjoy significantly lower accommodation prices. Many hotels and resorts offer amazing deals in the low season with discounts up to 50%. So if you're craving a luxurious getaway, a winter trip to the Algarve is definitely worth considering.

Where is warmest in Europe end of January?

the Canary IslandsWhere is the warmest place in Europe in January? Did you know that the Canary Islands are the warmest place to go in Europe in January? Tenerife in particular boasts the hottest average temperatures of 20°C.

Is January a good time to visit the Algarve?

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