Is it safe to fly your pet in cargo?

With that said, assuming your dog or cat is in very good health (as confirmed by your licensed vet) and assuming you properly prepare your pet for cargo travel (i.e. ensure he or she knows how to eat and drink from the kennel's bowls), cargo travel should be a safe travel option for your four-legged family.

Are cats OK to fly in cargo?

Cats may be less stressed in cargo than in the cabin, as they will be away from the noise and activity of the plane. Cargo is typically cooler and quieter than the cabin, which can benefit cats sensitive to heat or noise. Large or multiple pets often have to travel in cargo due to size and space limitations.

Are pets safe in airplane cargo?

Do airlines fly dogs in cargo?

Depending on animal breed and size, they can travel as a carry-on or be transported through American Airlines Cargo. Carry-on pets are limited to cats and dogs that meet the size, age and destination requirements.

Where do they put animals on planes?

Pets may be shipped as cargo if unaccompanied, and many airline cargo departments employ specialists in the movement of animals. Animals must always be shipped in pressurized holds. Some airlines allow the kennel to be carried in the passenger cabin as carry-on luggage if it fits under the seat.

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