What city does it rain the most?

Key Findings

  • The wettest city in the world is Buenaventura, where it rains 258 days per year.
  • Australia's rainiest city is Cairns in Queensland, with 117 days of precipitation.
  • The UK's wettest city is Londonderry in Northern Ireland (147 days).
  • The wettest city in the US is Hilo, Hawaii (211 days).

What is the rainiest place on Earth to live?

Mawsynram, India1. Mawsynram, India. Located in Meghalaya's East Khasi Hills district, Mawsynram is celebrated as the wettest place on Earth, receiving so much rain that its average annual rainfall reaches a staggering 11,871 millimeters. Its proximity to the Bay of Bengal is a significant factor in this deluge.

What is the rainiest place in USA?

Hilo, HawaiiHilo, HawaiiIt's also known as the wettest place in the United States, averaging about 12 in. of rain per month. Its wettest month is December where it sees an average of 19 inches of rainfall for the month. But this shouldn't surprise you.

Does it rain more in Seattle or Vancouver?

Vancouver's annual average rainfall is 57.3 inches (1455 mm), while it's 39.3 inches (998 mm) in Seattle. It means 168 days of rain in Vancouver in an average year, and 150 days of rain in Seattle.

What is the 1st driest place on Earth?

The AtacamaThe Atacama is the driest place on earth, other than the poles. It receives less than 1 mm of precipitation each year, and some areas haven't seen a drop of rain in more than 500 years. Forget “photo-worthy” or “memorable.” The landscapes here inspired Salvador Dalí paintings.

What is the rainiest city in the world?

What place rains the most in the US?

Hilo, HawaiiIt's also known as the wettest place in the United States, averaging about 12 in. of rain per month. Its wettest month is December where it sees an average of 19 inches of rainfall for the month. But this shouldn't surprise you.

Where in the US rains the most?

Hilo, HawaiiIt's also known as the wettest place in the United States, averaging about 12 in. of rain per month. Its wettest month is December where it sees an average of 19 inches of rainfall for the month. But this shouldn't surprise you.

What place rains the most in the USA?

The very wettest places far exceed that threshold, however . According to NOAA-NCDC data, the wettest place in the United States is Mt. Waialeale on Kauai in Hawaii, which gets approximately 460 inches (11,684 millimeters) of rain each year, making it one of the rainiest spots on earth.

Does it rain more in Seattle or London?

No, Seattle gets much more rainfall than London, 866 mm versus 557 mm per year. Temperatures are roughly comparable.

What is the coldest desert in the world?

AntarcticaThe largest desert on Earth is Antarctica, which covers 14.2 million square kilometers (5.5 million square miles). It is also the coldest desert on Earth, even colder than the planet's other polar desert, the Arctic.

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