Is it safe to travel to Rarotonga?

Safety Resources | Cook Islands. Our islands are safe and offer visitors many opportunities to explore. However, it is important to make visitors aware of some safety considerations. This page provides curated safety tips from Cook Islands Tourism Corporation that you can share with your teams and guests.

Do they speak English in Rarotonga?

The language spoken in Rarotonga are English and Cook Islands Maori (also called Rarotongan).

Is Rarotonga cheap to visit?

Rarotonga is quite often cheaper than Aitutaki so if you're on a budget, it's safe to stay in this island. Depending on your spending habits and lifestyle, a safe manageable pocket money would be $100 – $150 NZ dollars per day. You can of course bring more than this!

What is so special about Rarotonga?

Rarotonga's lagoon marine reserves are home to fascinating coral formations and good numbers of colourful tropical fish.

What dangers are in Rarotonga?

Earthquakes and tsunamis occur in the Cook Islands. Rarotonga has tsunami alert signs.

Is Rarotonga a safe place to visit?

Is Rarotonga at risk from tsunami?

Earthquakes and tsunamis occur in the Cook Islands. Rarotonga has tsunami alert signs.

How much money do you need for Rarotonga?

Rarotonga is quite often cheaper than Aitutaki so if you're on a budget, it's safe to stay in this island. Depending on your spending habits and lifestyle, a safe manageable pocket money would be $100 – $150 NZ dollars per day. You can of course bring more than this!

What should I be careful of in Rarotonga?

Please note that it is mandatory to wear a helmet while riding scooters and motorcycles. Swimmers should be alert to strong tides and breaks in the reefs and the fact that there are no lifeguards on beaches. Wearing reef shoes or similar is encouraged to protect against stonefish and coral cuts.

Is there anything poisonous in Rarotonga?

The Rock Fish (it looks like a rock) and Crown of Thorns (spikey sea urchin) has poisonous spines, there are also some sea snakes (not poisonous but territorial). Wear reef shoes when in the water.

Can you drink the water in Rarotonga?

So, can you drink the water in Rarotonga and the Cook Islands? In some large accommodations on Rarotonga, filtration is a big deal and you will be safe to drink tap water and to add refreshing ice to your drinks (most restaurants use commercially made ice anyway).

What is the best month to visit Rarotonga?

Overall, our shoulder months of April, May, September, and October are a great time to visit as the weather in these months is usually the perfect balance of warm temperatures and dry skies. During July to October humpback whales can often be seen from the Rarotonga foreshore.

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