Why is the Peak District important?

It is of global ecological and conservation importance, supporting rare and endangered plants and animals. Peak District peat bogs are among the most important wildlife habitats in the world, home to many birds, thousands of rare insect species and a wealth of unusual plants.

What is the meaning of Peak District?

/ðə ˈpiːk dɪstrɪkt/ /ðə ˈpiːk dɪstrɪkt/ ​an area of hills, valleys, moors (= high land that is not cultivated) and caves, mostly in north Derbyshire, England. It has been a national park since 1951 and is very popular with people who enjoy walking and climbing.

What are the aims of the national park Authority?

The law requires the Authority to carry out two 'statutory purposes'…

  • to conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the area.
  • to promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the parks' special qualities by the public.

Why is the Peak District so beautiful?

The interesting geology behind these hills, which were formerly coral reefs, has left a unique landscape. When you first catch sight of the impressive ridge along the Hills, you'll understand why it's known locally as the 'Dragon's Back'.

What created the Peak District?

The Peak District is formed almost wholly of sedimentary rocks of the Carboniferous period. They make up the carboniferous limestone overlying gritstone, and the coal measures that occur only on the margins and infrequent outcrops of igneous rocks, including lavas, tuffs and volcanic vent agglomerates.

What is the aim of the Peak District?

Who manages Peak District?

The Peak District National Park AuthorityThe Peak District National Park Authority administers the Peak District National Park. The law requires us to: conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage. promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of national parks by the public.

What state park has a volcano?

Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park is an American national park located in the U.S. state of Hawaii on the island of Hawaii. The park encompasses two active volcanoes: Kīlauea, one of the world's most active volcanoes, and Mauna Loa, the world's largest shield volcano.

What is the hidden view in the Peak District?

Surprise View is a spectacular view point above Hathersage and is known for being one of the best viewpoints in the Peak District and also for being a great spot to sit and watch the sunset. Other than being a great place to stop and soak up a wonderful view, you can also walk to a few places from that start point.

What is the hardest walk in the Peak District?

What is the Hardest Walk in the Peak District? In our opinion, Kinder Scout is one of the hardest walking trails in Peak District due to the length, height gain and indistinct trail at points. However, it's rewarding with beautiful views from Kinder Plateau and Kinder Low and worth the effort!

Is the Peak District public land?

The public has a right of access to about 500 sq km of Access Land in the National Park. This includes moors, heaths, commons, unimproved hills and dalesides and land above 600m. Here you can wander at will without keeping to public paths.

Which park has the most active volcano?

In addition to Mauna Loa, the park includes Kilauea, the world's most active volcano, which offers scientists insights on the birth of the Hawaiian Islands and visitors views of dramatic volcanic landscapes. Over half of the park is designated wilderness and provides unusual hiking and camping opportunities.

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