Is Playa Blanca busy in December?

Average monthly temperaturesFor the highest temperatures the best time to visit Playa Blanca is between June and September although the winter and spring months especially around Christmas, half term and Easter often the busiest times of the year due to the increased likelihood of sunshine.

What’s Playa Blanca like in December?

In December, Playa Blanca experiences average daily temperatures ranging from 18°C (64°F) to 23°C (73°F). While the temperatures may be slightly cooler compared to the summer months, they are still relatively warm and comfortable for outdoor activities.

What is the weather like in Playa Blanca at Christmas?

In December, Playa Blanca experiences average daily temperatures ranging from 18°C (64°F) to 23°C (73°F). While the temperatures may be slightly cooler compared to the summer months, they are still relatively warm and comfortable for outdoor activities.

What is the temperature in Playa Blanca at Christmas?

During the fornight which surrounds Christmas Day, Playa Blanca enjoys an average temperature of 18°C, made up of highs of up to 20°C and lows down to 16°C. At this time of year, temperatures rarely fall below 14°C or rise above 22°C.

Is Playa Blanca busy at Christmas?

What is the quietest beach in Playa Blanca?

Located in the tourist area of Playa Blanca, Flamingo Beach is a quiet beach with golden sand and crystal clear waters.

What happens in Lanzarote on Christmas Day?

Many places will also serve up a Christmas Day meal or open for drinks in the afternoon. The Spanish don't celebrate Christmas on the 25th December so to them it's largely a normal working day.

Which is best Canary Island at Xmas?

Tenerife is a great place to celebrate Christmas and New Year, and it's also a wonderful time for nature lovers. You can spot pilot whales and dolphins on boat trips all year round, but between November and February, you can see migratory whales including humpbacks and finbacks.

Which Canary island is best for Christmas time?

Gran CanariaGran Canaria has the warmest Christmas weather of the Canary Islands, with an average temperature of 23ºC and 6 hours of complete sunshine!

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