Are buses in Tenerife reliable?

Used titsa buses on numerous occasions and are always reliable and great value for money. Visited lots of different places and mingled with the locals. I highly recommend this form of transport.

How much is the bus 343 in Tenerife?

€13.55The one-way fare for the 343 bus is €13.55. Tickets can be purchased directly from the bus driver or at transportation kiosks in the airport. The bus 343 Tenerife timetable: The bus operates from 08:40 to 23:15 on weekdays.

Do Tenerife buses accept card?

SINGLE TICKET: with price depending on the route.You can pay by bank card or cash.

How to pay bus ticket Tenerife?

Should I use my debit card in Tenerife?

Credit and debit cards are accepted all over Tenerife, or you could use a travel money card for extra security and easier budgeting. Only the most remote restaurants and bars won't have a card reader. Mind you, you'll often find that some shops and restaurants prefer cash for small purchases.

Do buses in Tenerife take card payment?

SINGLE TICKET: with price depending on the route.You can pay by bank card or cash.

Can you use debit card on buses Tenerife?

SINGLE TICKET: with price depending on the route.You can pay by bank card or cash.

Do Tenerife buses take cash?

You can pay by bank card or cash.

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