What is the rainy season in Maui?

winterThe wet season in Maui lasts typically from November to March, although Wailea's location on Maui's leeward side gives it a microclimate that is drier than the rest of the island, even during the wetter winter months.

What are the best and worst months to go to Maui?

Best Time to Visit MauiThere isn't really a true “spring” and “fall” on Maui, but the April-to-May and September-to-November stretches are transitional periods that generally offer really nice weather. They also tend to translate to lower rates and crowds.

What time are sharks most active in Maui?

When Are Sharks Most Active In Hawaii? Another great question. Sharks are present all year round and can be active throughout the day. When shark attacks do happen, they are most likely to happen during the day, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

What time do sharks come out in Maui?

Stay out of the water at dawn, dusk, and night, when some species of sharks may move inshore to feed. But be aware that tiger sharks are known to bite people at all times of the day. (See graphic below.)

What is the driest month in Maui?

June. June on Maui is lovely. The rains have ceased, the summer crowds are still slowly trickling in, and the sun is almost always shining. June is a great time to take to the skies above Maui, as the days are usually clear, and the island is still green from the winter rains.

Where not to swim in Maui?

Most Dangerous Spots to Swim and Snorkel on MauiIf you're not a strong swimmer (and even if you are), you'll want to steer clear of swimming at Big Beach in Makena. This beach is well known for a dangerous shore break that is present year-round (which is why it has been nicknamed “breakneck beach”).

When should I go to Maui?

What months are sharks most active in Hawaii?

There appears to be an increased risk of being bitten by a shark during certain months, in particular October through December. Early Hawaiians recognized this, and cautioned against going in the water at that time.

Is it safe to swim in Maui?

Maui generally enjoys some of the best water quality on earth. Sometimes during winter storms on Maui, Molokai and Lanai water quality can be compromised temporarily by water runoff that carries excessive sediment, nutrients, and pollution called "Brown Water Events," characterized by brown-looking water.

Which side of Maui has the best weather?

Within just a few miles the weather can change from being rainy to sunny or from cooler to warmer. The south and west side of the island are known as sunny and dry areas while the north and east coast are much more wet and lush.

How much spending money do you need in Maui?

Seeing Maui's beach parks can be expensive, although you don't necessarily have to break the bank. On average, you can expect to pay about $200 to $250 a day during your trip. That means a one-week vacation to the Valley Isle will cost around $3000 or $3500 for a couple – definitely not something to sneeze at.

What should I be careful of in Maui?

After heavy rains, stay out of the ocean until the water clears. Avoid swimming near the mouths of rivers or streams or in any murky or brown water areas. These waters attract predators (pictured), and you don't want to be mistaken for a fish or turtle when this guy is looking for a snack.

Where is the prettiest water in Maui?

There's plenty of gorgeous water to be found at Maui's beach parks, but the clearest is in Honolua Bay, especially during the summer. Honolua is Hawaiian for “two harbors,” and the bay was originally used to receive ships and unload supplies.

Are sharks a problem in Maui?

Facts About Maui Shark AttacksAccording to data from the Department of Land and Resources, Maui has experienced 62 documented shark “incidents” since 1995, or an average of 2.2 incidents per year. Out of those 62, there were 13 instances with no bodily injury—just bites out of surfboards or paddle boards.

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