How does the anytime return work?

Anytime tickets have no restrictions on what time you can travel. Anytime Singles allow you to travel within 2 days of the date shown on your ticket. Most Anytime Returns are valid for 5 days from the date shown on the 'outward' portion, and the for 1 calendar month on the 'return' portion.

What does anytime short return mean?

The Anytime Short Return has exactly the same terms and conditions as the normal Anytime Return in that there are no time restrictions, EXCEPT that the outward portion of the ticket is valid for ONE day and not FIVE days.

Is an Anytime return refundable?

Yes, you can normally get a full Anytime train ticket refund from the train company in charge of your journey. However, if you've bought your ticket through us, we're happy to do the legwork for you and get in touch with the relevant train company on your behalf.

What is the difference between a return and an open return?

Open Return tickets allow you to be flexible on the train you decide to travel back on. There are two different ways to buy Open Return tickets. If you started your search by selecting Return journey you'll be asked to choose which train you want to return on, even if the ticket you select is an Open Return ticket.

Is an open return cheaper than a return?

Due to the complete flexibility of Open Return tickets, they are slightly more expensive than the Advance or Off-Peak tickets; however, when you book your tickets online, we'll tell you all the available options for your journey, so you can choose whichever ticket suits your requirements the best.

Can someone else use my return train ticket?

Yes. Train tickets can be used by anyone.

What happens to unused ticket?

An unused airline ticket is usually a non-refundable ticket that the traveler who purchased it is not able to use due to a change in plans. In most cases, “unused” doesn't mean “lost cause”; you can generally get a flight credit or even a refund, depending on the scenario.

What is an Anytime return?

Is an anytime return the same as an open return?

Offering you complete flexibility, Open Return (also known as Anytime Return) train tickets are ideal if you want to keep your travel options open. Allowing you to travel to your chosen destination, and return at any time; you can even break up your journey by stopping at any stations on your route.

What is the difference between open return and anytime return?

An Open Return is a flexible ticket that doesn't make you choose a specific time or date to return. They're valid for one calendar month from the date of the outward journey. There are a few types of Open ticket: Anytime: fully flexible tickets that can be used on peak and off-peak services.

Can you travel anytime on an open return?

Anytime Open Return tickets are valid for travel at any time.

What is an open flight return ticket?

Open-ended flight tickets are a type of airfare that allows you to purchase a ticket with no expected return date. Open flight tickets provide passengers with great flexibility and means that passengers can purchase their return flight when they're happy with the price.

What makes a ticket non-refundable?

What is a nonrefundable ticket, anyway? When an airline says that a ticket is nonrefundable, it doesn't mean that you can't cancel a ticket. Depending on the ticket type, often, 'nonrefundable' simply means: The airline will not give you all of your money back if you cancel (true for most basic economy tickets).

What is an unused ticket?

What Is an Unused Ticket? An unused airline ticket is usually a non-refundable ticket that the traveler who purchased it is not able to use due to a change in plans. In most cases, “unused” doesn't mean “lost cause”; you can generally get a flight credit or even a refund, depending on the scenario.

When can you use an Anytime return?

An Anytime Return (also known as an an Open Return) ticket allows you to travel out on the date shown on the ticket, or within five days, and back at any time within one calendar month of the date shown.

What is the difference between anytime return and anytime open return?

Offering you complete flexibility, Open Return (also known as Anytime Return) train tickets are ideal if you want to keep your travel options open. Allowing you to travel to your chosen destination, and return at any time; you can even break up your journey by stopping at any stations on your route.

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