How do you get around in Cannes France?

The best way to get around Cannes is on foot and by bus. Cannes boasts a robust public transportation network. A shuttle connects City Hall with the train station and La Croisette.

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Is Uber available in the south of France?

Yes. Uber is definitely a safe option in France. I've always loved the fact that the Uber App tracks everything for you, including license plate numbers. Plus, if you don't speak French, there isn't that worry about language barriers, as everything is booked in the App.

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Is Uber safe in South of France?

Yes. Uber is definitely a safe option in France. I've always loved the fact that the Uber App tracks everything for you, including license plate numbers. Plus, if you don't speak French, there isn't that worry about language barriers, as everything is booked in the App.

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What is the best way to get around Cannes?

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