Do airlines accept digital logbooks?

The FAA doesn't lay out exactly how you should log your hours, even those hours that the rules require. While commercially available paper pilot logbooks have been the standard for decades, nothing specifically says a digital one won't do.

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What are the benefits of digital logbook?

Build Stronger Communication and Collaboration

  • Build Stronger Communication and Collaboration. LogBook gives you the platform to keep your team in the loop on what's going on in your operation. …
  • Assists with Compliance Requirements. …
  • Eliminate Paper Logs and Spreadsheets.
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FAA FAR 61.51 states that each person must document and record certain items in a manner "acceptable to the Administrator." The regulation does not define what is acceptable, but in most cases, digital logbooks will be accepted if the logbook records the necessary information.

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What is the purpose of electronic logbook?

Electronic logbooks provide accurate records for vehicle operating data and driver activity – and over the long run can save trucking, transportation and service organizations time and money. An ELD logbook is a small computer tablet mounted in a truck cab.

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Are you required to log all of your flights in your logbook?

In the United States, a pilot is required to log all flight time that is used to meet the minimum requirements for a certificate, rating, flight review, or instrument proficiency check, and for currency. This means that a pilot does not need to record every single one of his or her flights.

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Do you need your logbook to fly?

For the same reason, recreational pilots must carry their logbooks on all solo cross-country flights that exceed 50 nautical miles, in airspace that requires ATC communication, take place at night, and when they are flying an aircraft for which they don't hold the appropriate category or class rating.

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What is the disadvantage of log book?

Even if the data entered is complete, accurate and legible, physical logbooks are easy to misplace or lose in a fire, flood, or other natural disasters. When this happens, employees can spend hours repeating work they've already done, increasing production costs and delaying time to market.

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What are the features of electronic logbook?

Electronic Logbook (eLogBook)

  • Record and manage both events and instructions. …
  • Track progress. …
  • Create audit trails. …
  • Facilitate 'shift-handover'
  • Annunicate important actions/events. …
  • Manage maintenance. …
  • Integrate with PIMS systems. …
  • Integrate with LIMS.
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​However, there are exceptions to this rule; keeping an electronic log book for truck drivers is not mandatory and paper logs can still be used in the following cases: Eight days/month exemption. Drivers who keep RODS for up to eight out of 30 days. Drive-away-tow-away operations.

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Who needs electronic logbooks?

If you are a federally regulated commercial driver (i.e. travel between provinces/territories or across the Canadian border) and are required to track your hours of service by filling out a RODS, even occasionally, you will need an ELD.

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What is the difference between paper and digital logbook?

Who must use electronic logs?

Question 3: Who must comply with the electronic logging device (ELD) rule? Guidance: The ELD rule applies to most motor carriers and drivers who are currently required to maintain records of duty status (RODS) per Part 395, 49 CFR 395.8(a).

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What are the basic rules of log book?

Introduction. American rules for log books are: 11 hours driving; 30 minute break at or before the 8 hrs after your last 10 consecutive hour off-duty period; workday occurs within 14 hour window.

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What three documents must a pilot carry with them on every flight?

In order to execute the privileges of a private pilot, you'll need to carry:

  • Your pilot certificate.
  • Government-issued photo ID card.
  • Medical certificate.
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What documents are required to be in the airplane when you are flying?

The letters stand for the documents that must be carried aboard an airplane. They are an airworthiness certificate, registration certificate, operating limitations, and weight and balance information.

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Can a student pilot fly to another airport without a logbook endorsement?

A student pilot must obtain an endorsement from an authorized instructor to make solo flights from the airport where the student pilot normally receives training to another location.

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What should a log book contain?

Common details to record in your log book include the distance you drive, the date and time of driving, and the destination and purpose of your journeys.

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Who must use electronic or paper logs?

Who must comply with the electronic logging device (ELD) rule? The ELD applies to most motor carriers and drivers who are currently required to maintain records of duty status (RODS) per Part 395, 49 CFR 395.8(a). The rule applies to commercial buses as well as trucks, and to Canada- and Mexico-domiciled drivers.

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Can you use paper logs if ELD is not working?

Guidance: A driver should only use paper logs, electronic logging software, or other electronic means to record their hours of service if the ELD malfunction hinders the accurate recording of the driver's hours of service data (i.e., 10/11, 14/15, 60/70 hours; or 30 minute).

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Can you still use paper log books?

​However, there are exceptions to this rule; keeping an electronic log book for truck drivers is not mandatory and paper logs can still be used in the following cases: Eight days/month exemption. Drivers who keep RODS for up to eight out of 30 days. Drive-away-tow-away operations.

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How long can you use paper logs after an ELD malfunction?

8 daysRecording RODS on a paper log cannot continue for more than 8 days after the malfunction unless an extension is given in accordance with § 34 – ELD Malfunctions and Data Diagnostic Events.

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