How often does a steam locomotive need water?

During the very early days of steam locomotives, water stops were necessary every 7–10 miles (11–16 km) and consumed much travel time. With the introduction of tenders (a special car containing water and fuel), trains could run 100–150 miles (160–240 km) without a refill.

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How many gallons of water does a steam locomotive hold?

Each steam locomotive had the capacity for 15,000 to 25,000 gallons of water, so they needed lots of it to keep the trains moving.

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Where does water go in a steam engine?

Water is carried in a separate section of the tender, which is carried to the outside of the firebox by using a device called an injector. The heat from the coal turns the water into steam which then rises to the top of the boiler.

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Where did steam locomotives store water?

“ It consists of a long trough filled with water, lying between the rails. When a steam locomotive passes over the trough, a water scoop can be lowered, and the speed of forward motion forces water into the scoop, up the scoop pipe and into the tanks or locomotive tender.

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What happens if a steam locomotive runs out of water?

If a steam locomotive runs-out of water while it is operating, either the firebox plug will melt (which is embarrassing for the fireman / driver and expensive to fix), or steam pressure will rise extremely quickly until either more water is supplied, or the boiler explodes.

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How much water does a steam locomotive use per mile?

Surprisingly, 3985 doesn't really use THAT much water "at speed", probably only about 150 t0 200 gallons per mile at 60MPH or faster. However, at 20 or 30MPH, with a heavy throttle while ascending steep grades with a heavy passenger train, 3985 will generally exceed 300 to 500 gallons per mile water consumption.

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How do steam locomotives not run out of water?

How bad are steam locomotives for the environment?

Regarding the effect on environment, if steam engine is 10% efficient and internal combustion 30% efficient, the effect of steam engines on environment would be 3-4 times worse than using gas and diesel. Expect acid rain, deforestation, smog.

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What happens when a steam locomotive runs out of water?

If a steam locomotive runs-out of water while it is operating, either the firebox plug will melt (which is embarrassing for the fireman / driver and expensive to fix), or steam pressure will rise extremely quickly until either more water is supplied, or the boiler explodes.

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What is the top speed of a steam locomotive?

Towards the end of the steam era, a longstanding British emphasis on speed culminated in a record, still unbroken, of 126 miles per hour (203 kilometres per hour) by LNER Class A4 4468 Mallard.

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What is the lifespan of a steam locomotive?

Many locomotives can last 30–40 years, depending on the maintenance done on them. Our GG1 Lasted 41 years, but many of the steam locomotives were retired early.

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What is the fastest steam locomotive ever built?

MallardMallard: The world's fastest steam locomotive | National Railway Museum.

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What is the average horsepower of a steam locomotive?

Normal Operating Power for the steam engines was about 1700 Hp per shaft, 3400 Hp total. Max Power output of the engines was about 2500 Hp per shaft, 5000 Hp total.

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