What types of lava are found in Hawaii?

Pahoehoe (pronounced "pah-hoy-hoy") and aa (pronounced "ah-ah") are the two main types of Hawaiian lava flows, and these two Hawaiian names, introduced into the scientific literature in the late 19th century, are now used by volcanologists worldwide to describe similar lava-flow types.

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What types of lava are on the Big Island?

The island itself is made up of flows that have built upon one another over many thousands of years. Solidified pāhoehoe lava Two types of lava flows can be seen in the park, pāhoehoe and ʻa'ā. Pāhoehoe lava appears smooth and ropy.

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What’s the difference between aa and pahoehoe lava?

If the lava is very hot and has a low viscosity (runny with a low gas and silica content) the lava flow is called Pahoehoe. If, on the other hand, the lava has a high viscosity (thick and pasty with a high gas and silica content) it is called Aa.

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What are the 2 types of lava?


  • Pāhoehoe – Lava flows with smooth, billowy, or ropy surfaces.
  • 'A'ā – Lava flows with rough, jagged, or clinkery surfaces.
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What type of lava is Kīlauea?

basaltKilauea is a basaltic shield volcano, erupting a type of basalt known as tholeiite. This type of lava is the dominant extrusive during the shield building (the main stage) of hawaiian volcanism and is the dominant basalt type erupted on Earth.

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What type of lava is Kilauea?

basaltKilauea is a basaltic shield volcano, erupting a type of basalt known as tholeiite. This type of lava is the dominant extrusive during the shield building (the main stage) of hawaiian volcanism and is the dominant basalt type erupted on Earth.

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Is Mauna Loa aa or pahoehoe?

It is also illustrated by the eruptions that produced the remarkable paired flows of Mauna Loa, in which aa formed during an in- itial short period of high discharge rate (associated with high fountaining) and was followed by the eruption of pahoehoe over a sustained period at a low discharge rate (with little or no …

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Are Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa the same?

The rocks of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa have very different chemical compositions. Loa-type basalts have lower amounts of lead, and higher amounts of silicates, for instance. Mauna Loa also “contains higher proportions of an igneous rock called pyroxenite, which comes from subducted ocean crust.” (Subduction, so awesome.)

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What are the two types of lava on the Big Island of Hawaii?

Which is larger Mauna Loa or Mauna Kea?

Mauna Loa Volcano stands not quite as high as Mauna Kea but is much larger in volume.

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What type of volcanoes are Kilauea and Mauna Loa in Hawaii?

Kīlauea Volcano is a shield volcano located on the eastern slope of Mauna Loa Volcano on the Island of Hawai'i. The volcano is considered to be in the shield-building stage of Hawaiian volcanism. The Island of Hawai'i with lava flows erupted in approximately the past 1,000 years shown in red.

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What type of lava is strongest?

The most powerful eruptions are called "plinian" and involve the explosive ejection of relatively viscous lava. Large plinian eruptions–such as during 18 May 1980 at Mount St. Helens or, more recently, during 15 June 1991 at Pinatubo in the Philippines–can send ash and volcanic gas tens of miles into the air.

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Does Kīlauea have runny lava?

There are roughly two types of lava—and both types are, of course, runny and hot. Kilauea's lava is formed by the melting of an oceanic plate, which means that it contains less silicon dioxide—the same mineral that becomes quartz—than continental plates. As such, it's extremely runny and super hot.

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What type of volcano is Kīlauea and Mauna Loa?

Shield volcanoesShield volcanoes are constructed primarily of thin lava flows that cover large areas. Basaltic shield volcanoes such as Mauna Loa and Kīlauea in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park erupt primarily pāhoehoe and 'a'ā lavas.

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Is Kilauea lava thick or thin?

Lava flowing toward the sea from Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, takes two recognizable forms: fast-flowing ropy lava called pahoehoe and thick blocky lava called aa.

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What type of magma erupts in Hawaii?

basaltic magmaSilica-saturated basaltic magma is the source of the voluminous lava flows, erupted frequently and rapidly in the primitive shield-building stage of activity, that form the bulk of each Hawaiian volcano.

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What does AA lava look like?

'A'ā lava flows have irregular rough surfaces made of jagged, spiny and rough clasts of lava called clinkers. These lavas have surfaces that are either too viscous or are flowing too rapidly to flow plasticly like pāhoehoe. Instead they are ripped apart by shear strain forming a breccia at the top of the flow.

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What is the difference between aa and block lava?

Types of Lava Flow – Pahoehoe and A'aMost lava flow is mafic or basaltic. Pahoehoe is smooth, a'a is rough, and pillow lava is rounded and only forms under water. Block lava doesn't exactly flow, but it is another common form.

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