What is the object in the sand at Daytona Beach Shores?

Speculation ran wild, but archaeologists now say it was a ship, most likely a 19th-century merchant vessel. After the discovery last month of a strange 80-foot-long, wood-and-metal object that had emerged from the sand at Daytona Beach Shores in Volusia County, Fla., theories about what it could be ran rampant.

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What is the mystery structure in Daytona Beach Shores?

“It's a wooden-hulled shipwreck. It was held together with wooden pegs and also with iron fasteners,” said Chuck Meide, director of the Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program. Archeologists carefully worked around a structure that surfaced at low tide when mountains of sand washed away in the storm.

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What mysterious object emerges from beach in Florida?

In 2020, a couple walking along Crescent Beach noticed some wooden timbers and bolts protruding from the sand. Maritime archaeologists believe it was a relic of the Caroline Eddy, a 19th-century ship.

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What is a blob washed up on the shore?

A globster or blob is an unidentified organic mass that washes up on the shoreline of an ocean or other body of water. A globster is distinguished from a normal beached carcass by being hard to identify, at least by initial untrained observers, and by creating controversy as to its identity.

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What are the jelly like blobs on beach?

salpsThis is what a bloom of salps look like. Another strange jelly-like glob you might find on the beach are salps. Salps are semi-transparent barrel-shaped marine animals that form chains with each other. But salps are not jellyfish, they're tunicates (a type of zooplankton also known as sea squirts).

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Why is there holes in the sand at the beach?

As the water sinks, it forces the air between the sand particles back upwards and this air bubbles out of of the sand, creating the effect we see in this picture, known as 'pin holes'.

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What is protruding through the sand at Daytona Beach Shores?

What are the worms out of sand?

Arenicola, also known as sandworms, is a genus of capitellid annelid worms comprising the lugworms and black lugs.

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What is the unknown object on Daytona Beach?

The object appears to be made of wood and metal and to be about 80 feet long, officials said. It could not be roped off because water submerges it during high tide. “The state underwater archaeological team has been notified to investigate further,” said Kevin Captain, a spokesman for the Volusia County government.

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Why is Shipwreck Beach called Shipwreck Beach?

South Shore Beaches. Few beaches on Kauai are as striking and wild as Shipwreck Beach. Locals named the beach because of an old shipwreck that once rested nearby. Although the wreckage is long gone, it remains a favorite spot for visitors who love hiking and exploring the rugged shoreline.

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What are the blobs on the beach in Florida?

What is sargassum? A giant blob of seaweed called the Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt is floating toward the West Coast of Florida in the Gulf of Mexico. The mass, pictured in the map below, could be an estimated 13.5 million metric tons in 2023 and is known as sargassum.

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What is the brown blob on the beach?

Sargassum is a species of large brown seaweed, a type of macroalgae that floats in large masses. On some beaches in Florida, the "blobs" of crunchy, dry, brown stinky seaweed are fairly large.

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What are the pink jelly blobs on the beach in Florida?

Sea porkSea pork is a sub-tidal species preyed upon by bottom-dwelling fish, skates, and sharks. Sea pork can come in a variety of colors too including pink, green, red, lavender and black and are rubbery to the touch. When alive, reddish colored zooids are embedded in its pink (sometimes orange) tunic.

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