What’s the weather in Mexico like in September?

September's the wettest month of the year with an average rainfall of 270mm across ten rainy days. In September you can expect 12 hours of daylight each day with six of these being bright sunshine. UV levels will be extreme, so don't forget to use lots of sun cream and take care in the midday sun.

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Is it hurricane season in Mexico in September?

Atlantic hurricane season in Cancun occurs between the start of June and the end of November. The highest risk of hurricanes is between September and October, as they become more frequent due to sea temperatures being at their hottest.

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How busy is Mexico in September?

Mexico Offers Less People and More Deals in SeptemberThe month of September is considered part of the tourism low season in Mexico. It's the ideal time to visit if you are looking to get away from crowds and prefer to receive personalized attention, better prices and plenty of deals.

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Is September an OK time to go to Mexico?

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