Though it is small and easy to navigate, the Santorini Airport is often crowded and chaotic. We recommend that departing passengers with carry-on luggage arrive at the Santorini Airport at least one hour prior to their flight; those checking bags should arrive two or more hours in advance.
How much is taxi from Santorini airport to Oia?
How to get from Santorini Airport to Oia by taxi. Taxis are the most handy and hassle-free way to travel around Santorini. Available around the clock, a taxi transfer from Santorini Airport to Oia takes about 25 minutes while the average fixed fare is around €40.
Is it easy to get taxi at Santorini Airport?
How much do you tip a driver who picks you up from the airport?
15-20%Should You Tip Your Driver and How Much? The short answer is: yes, always, and the golden standard is at least 15-20% of the total fare cost. Drivers, like servers, valets, and the barista in your favorite coffee shop, are part of the service economy.
Is it better to take cash to Greece?
It is important to always have some cash money when traveling to Greece and the Greek Islands. Although most hotels, restaurants and tourist shops in Greece accept credit cards, you might encounter few studios or small shops in less-touristic islands that ask for cash.