Where is blue lava located?

Stunning Electric-Blue Flames Erupt From Volcanoes. Sulfur combusts on contact with air to create stunning blue lava-like rivers of light in the Kawah Ijen crater on the island of Java.

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Is there blue lava in real life?

Blue lava is the flame from burning sulfur associated with some volcanoes. It reliably occurs at Kawah Ijen in Indonesia. Blue lava is a real phenomenon associated with some volcanoes. However, it's not actually lava because it does not consist of molten rock.

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How many blue volcanoes are there in the world?

But one volcano, Indonesia's Kawah Ijen, displays a spectacular blue color. This unique feature is practically invisible during the day, but is inescapable at night. Along the flowing lava path, this blue color is ubiquitous.

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Is blue lava rare?

It burns as an electric-blue flame that has the illusory appearance of lava. This is a rare phenomenon in the world with the Kawah Ijen volcano in Indonesia being the world's most well-known and documented in the world. The fires there burn regularly.

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What is the rarest lava rock?

Ultramafic volcanic rocks are extremely rare, and are not found in any NPS unit.

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What volcanoes have blue lava?

The volcano with blue 'lava' and a lake of pure acid… With a lake of pure acid and strange blue flames that emanate from beneath the volcano, Kawah Ijen is surely one of the most dangerous places to work in the world.

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Is Black lava real?

The color of lava depends on its temperature. It starts out bright orange (1000-1150 C). As it cools the color changes to bright red (800-1000 C), then do dark red (650-800 C), and to brownish red (500-650 C). Solid lava is black (but can still be very hot).

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Does black lava exist?

This unusual composition makes the natrocarbonatite of the Ol Doinyo one of a kind also for being the lowest eruption temperature in the world, between 500°C-600°C. And here comes the colour! Such a low temperature is giving a black colour in the daylight to the molten lava.

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What color is lava at its hottest?

The colour of lavas can be associated with the temperature reached at the surface: dark red at low temperatures (475°C), orange at 900°C and white at extremely high temperature (>1150°C) (Kilburn, 2000).

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Is blue fire hotter than red fire?

Blue flames are the hottest, followed by white. After that, yellow, orange and red are the common colours you'll see in most fires. It's interesting to note that, despite the common use of blue as a cold colour, and red as a hot colour – as they are on taps, for instance – it's the opposite for fire.

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Where is there blue lava?

Is Blue Lava hot or cold?

Technically, molten rock or lava can be blue. However, it does not occur at the natural temperature of volcanoes. For lava to be truly blue it would have to be at least 6,000 °C, which is much hotter than anything naturally possible on the Earth's surface.

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What is the coolest lava on earth?

carbonatiteBecause of its very unusual composition, carbonatite is literally the coolest lava on earth, erupting at 500-600 degrees Centigrade (930-1,100 degrees F), compared with 1,160 degrees C (2,120 degrees F) for lava from Kilauea's current eruption.

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Can lava be different colors?

The colour of lavas can be associated with the temperature reached at the surface: dark red at low temperatures (475°C), orange at 900°C and white at extremely high temperature (>1150°C) (Kilburn, 2000).

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What is the deadliest lava?

Deadliest Eruption

Deaths Volcano When
92,000 Tambora, Indonesia 1815
36,417 Krakatau, Indonesia 1883
29,025 Mt. Pelee, Martinique 1902
25,000 Ruiz, Colombia 1985
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Is blue fire the hottest?

The hottest part of the flame is the base, so this typically burns with a different colour to the outer edges or the rest of the flame body. Blue flames are the hottest, followed by white. After that, yellow, orange and red are the common colours you'll see in most fires.

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Is blue lava hot or cold?

Technically, molten rock or lava can be blue. However, it does not occur at the natural temperature of volcanoes. For lava to be truly blue it would have to be at least 6,000 °C, which is much hotter than anything naturally possible on the Earth's surface.

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What is the hottest lava color?

The colour of lavas can be associated with the temperature reached at the surface: dark red at low temperatures (475°C), orange at 900°C and white at extremely high temperature (>1150°C) (Kilburn, 2000).

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Is purple lava real?

This is called a Cerulean eruption, and the blue tint that surrounds the lava comes from flames produced when escaping sulphuric gases burn. The volcano contains large amounts of pure sulfur, which emits an icy violet color as it burns, filling the air with toxic fumes.

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How hot can blue lava get?

1,112 °FWhen sulfur from within the volcano breaches the surface, it can reach temperatures up to 600 °C (1,112 °F), and the sulfur immediately encounters lower temperatures and pressures at the surface, which causes the sulfur to immediately ignite and erupt blue flames up to 5 metres (16 ft) into the air.

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Is purple fire real?

Purple flames come from metal salts, such as potassium and rubidium. It's easy to make purple fire using common household ingredients. Purple is unusual because it's not a color of the spectrum. Purple and magenta result from a mixture of blue light and red light.

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