What is special about Christmas Island?

Nicknamed the "Galapagos of the Indian Ocean", the island is famous for its red crabs, sea birds, whale sharks and spectacular coral reefs. Closer to Asia than mainland Australia, it's home to a captivating mix of cultures and some of the world's most spectacular natural wonders.

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How much is a lettuce on Christmas Island?

$15Lettuce on Christmas Island can cost $15, but an ambitious farmer is changing that.

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Who owns the Christmas Island?

AustraliaIn 1958, the island was excised from Singapore and sovereignty was transferred to Australia. As part of the transfer, Australia paid Singapore £2,800,000 as compensation for lost phosphate revenue. Christmas Island became an Australian territory on 1 October 1958 – a day still celebrated on the island as Territory Day.

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Do people still live on Christmas Island?

Today Christmas Island has around 2000 residents. The most common ancestries reported by residents are: Chinese (the largest ethnic group) Australian.

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Why is alcohol cheap on Christmas Island?

What is the average age in Christmas Island?

38People and population

Age All people Christmas Island %
Median age 38 N/A
0-4 years 83 5.8
5-9 years 100 6.2
10-14 years 100 6.2
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What is the human population on Christmas Island?


Christmas Island
• 2021 census 1,692 (not ranked)
• Density 10.39/km2 (26.9/sq mi) (not ranked)
GDP (nominal) 2010 estimate
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Is there a school on Christmas Island?

Christmas Island District High School is a safe, secure and happy school that respects and values its community, the environment, cultural diversity and innovative approaches. We support all students to achieve their potential.

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Can people live in Christmas Island?

Today Christmas Island has around 2000 residents. The most common ancestries reported by residents are: Chinese (the largest ethnic group) Australian.

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