What is the best month to fly to Barcelona?

May and June are the most popular times for flights to Barcelona, when temperatures are comfortable and the city is alive with festivals. The height of summer in July and August can be uncomfortably hot and humid even for locals, but you might find better hotel and flight deals if you don't mind the temperature.

How to be cheap in Barcelona?

How to visit Barcelona on a budget

  1. Get the Aerobus from the airport. …
  2. Visit during the winter. …
  3. Time your visit with the first Sunday of the month. …
  4. Stay outside the historic center. …
  5. Don't assume Airbnb will be the best option. …
  6. Take advantage of public transportation. …
  7. Walk when you can. …
  8. Pack a picnic.

How to save money in Barcelona?

Always use public transport, metro, bus, train… and don't forget to get your T-10 travel card. It's much cheaper than paying for each journey individually. A well-known trick is to get a T-jove card. If you're under 25 years old, you're late, don't waste money and save as much as you can.

What are the cheapest months in Barcelona?

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