Why is water in the Bahamas so blue?

The waters around the Bahamas are light blue because the water is shallow. The blue color comes from the absorption of red and green light wavelengths by the water. The blue is reflected to be received by your eyes. The light blue is a response to sunlight reflecting off the sand and corals on the bottom.

Why is the Bahamas water turquoise?

One reason for this is attributed to the shallow waters surrounding the islands. In fact, the word Bahamas comes from the Spanish phrase “Baja Mar,” which means shallow ocean. The blue color of the ocean comes from the absorption of red and green light wavelengths by the water.

Why is the Bahamas water that color?

Why is the Bahamas water so pretty?

The water around the Bahamas doesn't experience upwelling due to the reefs that surround the islands. Since the water doesn't undergo upwelling, there is no sedimentation reaching the coast. Thus, the water stays crystal clear.

Why is Bermuda water so blue?

"The reason the ocean is blue is due to the absorption and scattering of light," NASA explains. "The blue wavelengths of light are scattered, similar to the scattering of blue light in the sky, but absorption is a much larger factor than scattering for the clear ocean water.

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