Is it safe to walk around Marrakesh at night?

Is Marrakech safe at night? As long as you're near the city center and you don't venture far on the outskirts of Marrakech, your risk of being harassed, mugged or assaulted is very low. The city becomes much more alive at night and it's when street musicians and performers come to Jemaa el Fena.

What you can’t do in Marrakech?

  • Don't Drink Tap Water in Marrakech. It's probably best to drink filtered or bottled water when visiting Marrakech and traveling in Morocco. …
  • Don't Accept Unsolicited Help or Directions. …
  • Don't Engage in Animal Tourism. …
  • Don't Take Photos Without Permission. …
  • Don't Barter for Unfair Prices.

Is Morocco safer than Thailand?

Natural disasters and the 2015 Bangkok bombing notwithstanding, it seems Thailand is no more 'safe' than Morocco when you look at statistics regarding traffic accidents, muggings, terrorism, etc.

How safe is Marrakech?

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