How much is an Uber from Eiffel Tower to Disneyland Paris?

between 70 € and 120 €- Price of an Uber from Disneyland to the Eiffel Tower: The price is between 70 € and 120 € depending on the number of people. – Price of an Uber from Disneyland to the Church of Notre Dame: The price depends on the number of people, it can range from 70 € to 120 €.

How much is a taxi from Disneyland to Paris?

You can take a taxi from Disneyland to Paris. The duration of a trip takes around 40 minutes, and the cost of a taxi car is 60 euro. If you choose a minivan for 7 passengers, it will cost 72 euros.

How much is taxi from Eiffel Tower to Disneyland?

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