How long does it take to drive the whole of Lanzarote?

about 1,5 hoursLanzarote isn't a very big island (although the locals might ask you if you're crazy, when you want to cross the whole island in one day). From one tip to the other it takes you about 1,5 hours of (comfortable) driving. We therefore recommend to rent a car (Price for one week: we paid around 200 Euros, excl.

Is it worth to rent a car in Lanzarote?

Even though taxis and public buses operate across the island, hiring your own car is generally more cost-effective and it allows you to explore Lanzarote at your own pace while enjoying the spectacular scenery. Must-visit attractions include the Timanfaya National Park and Jameos del Agua.

How easy is it to drive around Lanzarote?

Lanzarote does not have traffic jams and travel times are often less than twenty minutes. The roads are in great condition making driving around the island a pleasure. Parking in most parts of the island is easily found and free.

Is it worth driving around Lanzarote?

Is it easy to drive in Lanzarote?

Lanzarote does not have traffic jams and travel times are often less than twenty minutes. The roads are in great condition making driving around the island a pleasure. Parking in most parts of the island is easily found and free.

What do I need to know about driving in Lanzarote?

The driving laws in Lanzarote are the same for the rest of Spain. In brief, this means driving on the right hand side of the road and observing national speed limits of 100km per hour on dual carriageways and 50km per hour in built up areas – unless otherwise indicated.

Is it hard to drive in Lanzarote?

Driving in Lanzarote is pretty safe and pleasurable – especially if you are used to labouring through rush hour traffic in the UK or Ireland. There are no major motorways of more than two lanes on the island. And once you are outside the main resorts there is often little traffic to contend with.

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