What is the best mode of transport in Crete?

The best way to get around Crete is via car. There are public buses that connect visitors to the major cities of Heraklion, Rethymnon, Chania and Agios Nikolaos.

Where to stay in Crete if you don’t have a car?

The town of Rethymno on the island of Crete is a great place to stay. And you can get easily around without a car. The old town is pedestrian-friendly and full of narrow streets to explore, lined with shops, cafés, and restaurants. There is also a lively market where you can find fresh produce and local specialities.

What is the best way to get around in Crete?

How easy is it to travel around Crete?

Most people get around via car hire, which offers the freedom to do what you want and when you want. Public buses also connect travellers through and within all the major cities. There is no universal Crete travel card, but fares tend to be inexpensive within cities, while they cost more to travel between cities.

How long does it take to drive from one side of Crete to the other?

Planning Your Visit to CreteA lot of travelers to Greece combine a trip to some of the islands with a visit to Athens, but Crete is big enough that it could easily be made into a trip of its own (driving from one end to the other would take approximately 5 hours without stopping).

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