What are the stages of tourism planning?

Planning process for tourism industry comprises the following stages:

  • Study recognition and preparation. …
  • Setting of objectives or goals for the strategy. …
  • Survey of existing data. …
  • Implementation of new surveys. …
  • Analysis of secondary and primary data. …
  • Initial policy and plan formulation. …
  • Recommendations. …
  • Implementation.

What are the 5 stages of tourists?

These stages are exploration, involvement, development, consolidation, stagnation and decline. Mostly all tourists' destinations passes through all these mentioned stages.

What is the first stage in tourism planning?

The first and foremost step in tourism planning process is finding out the need that should be fulfilled and making strategies for them. The research that need to be conducted for finding out these needs depend on mainly financial factors.

How many stages are there in tourism planning process?

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