How difficult is the climb to the Acropolis in Athens?

It was not easy, but it was not overly difficult. The angles were somewhat steep and it was a near consistent climb, but something almost anyone could do. You do not need to be in peek physical condition to make the trek. The key is always to take your time and move at your own pace.

How many steps does the Parthenon have?

The Parthenon is a peripteral octastyle Doric temple with Ionic architectural features. It stands on a platform or stylobate of three steps.

How easy is it to walk around Athens?

Though modern Athens extends from the sea to the mountains, the city's core, where most of the ancient sites cluster around the Acropolis, is compact and very walkable. Visitors without mobility issues on short visits may find they can get around the sights entirely on foot.

How many steps are there to get to the Acropolis?

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