How do most people move around in France?

In most French cities, public transit generally involves buses and tramways. The networks are usually dense in the town centre, and easy to take. Don't hesitate to ask other students about timetables and stops.

What is the best way to transport in France?

Trains are one of our favorite modes of transportation in France. Train travel is an excellent way to explore the most beautiful cities in France. France has an extensive network of fast trains (called TGV), intercity trains (Intercités), and regional services connecting smaller cities and towns.

What is the most efficient way to get around in France?

What is the main way of transportation in France?

Transportation in France relies on one of the densest networks in the world with 146 km of road and 6.2 km of rail lines per 100 km2. It is built as a web with Paris at its center. Rail, road, air and water are all widely developed forms of transportation in France.

How to travel around France on a budget?

Explore France on a budget with these helpful tips

  1. Think beyond Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. …
  2. Pick your season well. …
  3. Embrace the prix fixe menu. …
  4. Eat cheap with set lunchtime menus and plats du jour. …
  5. Pick up a picnic at the abundant local markets and shops. …
  6. Keep the kids on the menu enfant. …
  7. Wine taste on a budget.

Is it better to use euros or credit card in France?

The French currency is the Euro (€). You cannot buy anything in France with another currency. We recommend to withdraw Euros in French ATMs with your credit cards. French people are not used to carry a lot of cash, please be careful if you have some.

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