Is it safe to visit Egypt in 2024?

Traveling to Egypt in 2023 is completely safe.

How can you see the pyramids safely?

  1. Choose a pyramid view hotel in Giza, don't stay in Cairo. …
  2. Hire a guide for your tour of the pyramids. …
  3. Go to the Pyramids for opening time to beat the crowds and heat. …
  4. You can climb the pyramids, but tip the guard. …
  5. You don't need to do a camel or horse tour, but it's wise.

Is it safe to visit the pyramids?

Is Egypt open to US tourists?

Passengers traveling to Egypt are not required to take a COVID-19 test to fly to Egypt. Egypt's COVID-19 entry restrictions were lifted on June 17, 2022.

How many American tourists go to Egypt?

In 2022, the number of American tourists arriving in Egypt amounted to 676,000, compared to 322,000 in the previous year.

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