What is the driest month in St Lucia?

The driest months are February and March with 56mm and 42mm of rainfall on average. Sunshine amounts remain high at around 7-8 hours and temperatures are between an average of 29.2 Celsius in February and 31.1 Celsius in May.

Is St Lucia too hot in July?

Days are usually hot with balmy evenings, so visitors should pack light and cool clothing. The average daily maximum is 30 C and the average daily minimum is 26 C.

Is St Lucia always hot?

The weather in Saint Lucia stays consistently warm throughout the year. The average temperature ranges from 23 to 31 degrees Celsius (84 to 87 degrees Fahrenheit). The busiest time to visit Saint Lucia is from December to April during the driest season.

What is the hottest time of year in St Lucia?

What injections do you need for St Lucia?

The National Travel Health Network and Centre and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for Saint Lucia: COVID-19, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, yellow fever, rabies and tetanus. Required if travelling from a country with risk of yellow fever transmission.

Does it rain a lot in St Lucia in July?

St Lucia weather in July is similar to June – the humidity and temperatures tend to remain consistent with the previous month, although there's a little more rainfall on average.

How hot is St Lucia in August?

On average, daytime temperatures in St Lucia hover around 29°C at this time of year, with highs of 31°C in the hottest part of the afternoon. At night the temperature dips just a few degrees to 26°C, so you'll be grateful for air conditioning at your hotel.

Is St Lucia humid in August?

Lucia is hot and humid. In June, temperatures are already above 82ºF (27.7°C) but sea breezes help you feel cooler. However, July through August sees the winds drop, and rainy days rise. The humidity builds, and both months can see significant rainfall.

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