Is 8 days in Barcelona too long?

Barcelona is one of those cities where you can easily spend more than a week exploring. But if you stay between five and seven days you will get a very versatile experience. You'll have a chance to see the many faces of the city.

Is Barcelona expensive for vacation?

Barcelona is an expensive city to visit in Spain, but it's considered semi-affordable compared to other cities in Europe. Comparing Spain's top destinations, Barcelona is, on average, more expensive than Seville, Valencia, and the capital city of Madrid.

Is 10 days too long for Barcelona?

While spending 10 days in Barcelona, you'll start to feel like more than just a tourist. Of course, you'll have plenty of time to see the city's most iconic sights. But you'll also be able to get off the beaten path more than the typical visitor to the city.

Is 7 days in Barcelona too much?

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