Can you check-in online with Ryanair without seat?

If you have not reserved a seat and this is being assigned to you randomly, check-in opens 24 hours before your flight and closes 2 hours before.

What happens if you don t select seats on a flight during web check in?

If you don't select a seat, you're going to get whatever seat the airline has available when you get to the airport or the gate, which may not be to your liking. It is also possible that you could be denied boarding if the flight is overbooked.

What happens if you don’t book a seat on Ryanair?

Can I check in without selecting seats?

You can select passenger seat or you can check-in through auto assigned seat. Your boarding pass with the auto-assigned seat(s) will be sent via email, 3 hours prior to the flight departure.

Is it better to check in early or late with Ryanair?

** My recommended Ryanair check in time is 2 hours before your flight if you're non-EU/EEA. If you're EU and have your boarding pass, then 1.5 hrs SHOULD be fine if it's not high season and a busy airport. If it IS high season/a busy airport I would ALWAYS be there at least 2 hrs before hand.

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