How do you pass time on a 14 hour flight?

Being stuck on a plane might make you want to run a marathon, but you might need to stick with one of the following:

  1. Watch movies / TV-Series. …
  2. Work your way through glossy magazines. …
  3. Listen to audio books. …
  4. Eat. …
  5. Catch up on work / school. …
  6. Sleep. …
  7. Stare out of the window and philosophize. …
  8. Write lists.

How many meals do you get on a 14 hour flight?

Typically, on a 14-hour flight, you'll be served two main meals. The first meal usually arrives an hour or so after takeoff, ensuring passengers are settled in and comfortable. This can be breakfast, lunch, or dinner, depending on your departure time.

Can a plane fly 14 hours?

Typical commercial aircrafts typically can fly up to 4,000 miles. The Boeing 747 can fly about 15,000 km (9,500 miles) when flying at an average speed of 550 mph. This means it can fly for almost 16 hours without refueling! A plane can fly for as long as its fuel supply and other resources allow.

How do you get on a 14 hour flight?

What do pilots do in a 14 hour flight?

When pilots are free during a 14 hour flight, they typically use the time to rest and relax. They may take turns sleeping in the bunk area or catch up on some reading. Pilots also use this time to review their flight plans and check weather conditions for upcoming legs of their journey.

Do you get food on a 15 hour flight?

Usually for such long flights – they will serve something. Since there's not going to be any “good” food anyway during the flight – then you should bring some of your own. I usually buy a bunch of snacks to munch on while watching movies or bring sandwiches that doesn't need to be refrigerated.

Do you get food on a 12 hour flight?

flights under 2 hours: a snack. flights over 2 hours: a main meal. flights over 7 hours: a main meal and snack. flights over 12 hours: two main meals and a snack.

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