How fast does the Renfe fast train go?

350 km/hMaximum speed (km/h): 350 km/h.

How much does it cost to take the high speed train from Madrid to Barcelona?

Madrid to Barcelona by train

First train 06:05
Distance 314 miles (506 km)
Frequency 37 trains per day
Changes Direct trains available
Price From $8.06

What is the super fast train in Spain?

Which country has the quickest train?

With a record test speed of 483km/h, the highest speed ever recorded by a conventional unmodified high-speed train, there are 85 trainsets currently in operation in China, split across the Shanghai Railway and Chengdu Railway. The Shanghai Maglev train is the fastest passenger train in operation in the world – for now.

How much is the bullet train in Spain?

The new line is known as AVLO, from the national rail company Renfe, and tickets will be priced between €10 and €60 (US$66) per journey, depending on the route and time of travel. Travellers under the age of 14, who are accompanied by an adult, will pay just €5 (US$5.51).

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