What is the social network for solo travelers?

Travello is a social network for solo travelers with a community of over 350,000 users based in more than 180 countries. Founded in 2015 in Brisbane, the app connects travelers from all over the world, enabling them to look for travel buddies nearby.

Is there an app to meet people while travelling?

Worldpackers is a solo traveller app which not only allows you to meet new people and make friends, but it can also help you develop your travel skills, such as learning a new language! We love this one especially because it's an app that focuses on travellers giving back to the places and people they visit.

How can I travel and have fun alone?

These are some of the best ways to enjoy traveling solo and make your solo trip a fun and unforgettable experience.

  1. Stay in a social hostel. …
  2. Immerse yourself in local culture. …
  3. Explore your own interests. …
  4. Join group activities. …
  5. Travel alone… with others. …
  6. Plan some downtime. …
  7. Be flexible and say yes to new experiences.

How do I find friends when I travel alone?

Is it still fun to travel alone?

Solo travel is more fun than group travel because you have more freedom. First-time solo travellers always ask, is traveling alone fun? Solo travel is more fun than any other form of travel because you enjoy total control over your itinerary.

How do I make friends all over the world?

Download apps like Discord and Meetup to start talking with people right away, or try setting dating apps like Tinder and OkCupid to the “looking for friends” option. Sign up for pen pal websites like Global Penfriends, InterPals, and Conversation Exchange to talk with someone from a different country.

Is it normal to go travelling alone?

Nowadays, travelling alone is very much normal! However, there are times when travelling alone can feel weird or awkward (especially if it's your first time).

How to travel as a single woman?

Tips for traveling alone as a woman

  1. Stay in hostels or volunteering projects. …
  2. Pack light. …
  3. Be prepared. …
  4. Give yourself time to adjust when you arrive somewhere new. …
  5. Leave room for spontaneity. …
  6. Connect with other women traveling alone. …
  7. Research the local culture. …
  8. Bring a journal.
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