How long should you spend at Pearl Harbor?

While it's possible to visit all four of the Pearl Harbor Historic Sites in roughly 6 hours, the best way to experience Pearl Harbor – and not miss a thing – is to make a full day of it.

What is special about Pearl Harbor in Hawaii?

Today, Pearl Harbor remains an active military base, Headquarters of the Pacific Fleet, and a National Historic Landmark that's home to four unique attractions: from the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor that started it all, to the surrender of the Japanese on the deck of the mighty Battleship Missouri, these four …

Why should I go to Pearl Harbor?

Located on the island of Oahu, "The Gathering Place," halfway between Japan and the mainland United States, Pearl Harbor will always be a welcoming place where survivors of the attack can reflect on the events which led to the war and which had such a profound impact on the lives of an entire generation.

Is Pearl Harbor Hawaii worth visiting?

How do Hawaiians feel about Pearl Harbor?

After the Pearl Harbor attack, many Hawaiian citizens felt like they were attacked personally by the Japanese, this lead to increased anti-Japanese sentiment throughout the island.

Is Pearl Harbor walkable?

A visit to the World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument is primarily a walking experience. From the moment you arrive at the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center, you're on your feet, trekking from one exhibit to the next.

What happened to Japanese people in Hawaii after Pearl Harbor?

By war's end, over 2,000 people of Japanese ancestry from Hawai'i were interned. Despite the suspicion of disloyalty, none of the Japanese American internees from Hawai'i was ever found guilty of sabotage, espionage, or overt acts against the United States.

How many Hawaiians were killed at Pearl Harbor?

The attack killed 2,403 U.S. personnel, including 68 civilians, and destroyed or damaged 19 U.S. Navy ships, including 8 battleships.

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