How many bus stations are in Granada?

How many bus stations are there in Granada? There is one bus stop in the city.

How far is Granada bus station from the Centre?

3 kmIf you need to get the bus station from the city centre, you have to catch on the Línea Capacidad Alta (LAC) bus and then change at one of the stops and get the SN1 or SN2. Granada Bus Station is 3 km from the centre, 20 minutes by bus or taxi from the city centre, depending on the traffic.

How to buy bus tickets in Grenada?

Tickets can be purchased in the vending machines in each stop of the High Capacity Line. Also card-passes can be charged, with cash or credit card. In the rest of the lines (no line 4 with external validation/recharge machines) you can buy your ticket or passes on the bus, directly to the driver.

Is there public transport in Granada?

Granada city has good public transport: urban and intercity buses and also a tourist train. A taxi is also a cheap option to move around the city, to cross Granada from one end to another costs 15-20 €.

How late do Granada buses run?

The city bus service operates 7 days a week including Sundays and holidays. The schedule is from 6:00 in the morning until 12:00 at night. From 12:00 p.m., two night and circular lines operate – lines 111 and 121 – until 6:00 a.m.

What is Granada bus station called?

How to get to Alhambra from Granada city Center?

The bus lines that take you from the center to the Alhambra are the C30 or C32. They depart every 8-12 minutes from the Isabel Católica Square (Columbus monument).

How do you use the bus in Granada Spain?

In Granada, you can buy the ticket from the driver. You will board from the front and get off though the back doors of the bus. If you plan to take several buses in Granada, the best option is to buy a magnetic card called Credibús. You can top it up with 5€, 10€ and 20€.

How do you ride the bus in Granada Spain?

In Granada, you can buy the ticket from the driver. You will board from the front and get off though the back doors of the bus. If you plan to take several buses in Granada, the best option is to buy a magnetic card called Credibús. You can top it up with 5€, 10€ and 20€.

How much is the bus fare in Granada?

The regular ticket costs € 1.40 ( US$ 1.50) and can be used for transfers for the following 60 minutes. The ticket is free for children under 4 years old. If you plan to use the bus several times, we recommend the Credibus card, which you can easily buy on the buses.

How do I get from Granada bus station to Alhambra?

Which bus goes from Granada bus station to the Alhambra? There is no direct bus. From the bus station, take line 33 to the Cathedral. Cross the street to reach the monument of Colon, and then take line C30 or C32 to the Alhambra.

How do you travel around Granada?

Granada City – Getting Around

  1. Walking. The simplest and most obvious way to sight see in Granada is to walk. …
  2. Bicycle. Seeing Granada by bike is a great, eco friendly, energetic way to get around. …
  3. Hop on Hop off Train. …
  4. Segway. …
  5. Taxi. …
  6. Buses.
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