What is the best area to stay in Egypt?

Best place for culture – CairoImmerse yourself in rich traditions, tantalise your taste buds with local street eats, and witness mesmerising festivals and celebrations. With impressive ancient wonders and bustling markets, Cairo embodies the best of historical and modern Egypt.

Is it better to stay in Cairo or Giza?

Stay the night in Giza if you want to see the pyramidsWhile the majority of Cairo's main tourist sites (the Mosque of Mohammed Ali, the Hanging Church, and the Salahdin Citadel) are in central Cairo, the pyramids are located right on the edge of Giza, which is a 20-minute drive from the center of the city.

What cities are best to visit in Egypt?

8 Best Cities to Visit During your Vacation in Egypt

  • Cairo. Cairo is the capital of Egypt, it is a large city located near the mouth of the Nile delta. …
  • Giza. …
  • Alexandria. …
  • Luxor. …
  • Aswan. …
  • Sharm El-Sheikh. …
  • Hurghada. …
  • Siwa.

Should I stay in Cairo or Alexandria?

Where Alexandria is laid-back and less crowded, Cairo is bustling and full of traffic. However, both Alexandria and Cairo will show you different sides of modern Egyptian life. Visit these two amazing cities during your Egypt Tour is the best choice for every travel lover.

How much is a taxi from Cairo to Giza?

How to Get from Cairo Airport to Giza by Taxi (recommended for speed, without a guide) If you are going straight from Cairo Airport to Giza, this likely will cost around 10–15 US dollars in a taxi, and takes around 60 minutes.

What to avoid Egypt?

Things You Should Avoid in Egypt

  • Don't be intimidated by vendors. …
  • Don't ride camels or horses in distress. …
  • Don't dress too provocative. …
  • Respect the entry into religious places. …
  • Give respect and distance to Egyptian women. …
  • Don't drink alcohol on the street. …
  • Don't be afraid of local people. …
  • Get information from trusted sources.

What are the best months to visit Egypt?

The best time to visit Egypt is between October and April when daytime temperatures are comfortable and nights are cool, but you're still guaranteed sun. The conditions are perfect for exploring chaotic Cairo or venturing into the desert.

Which city is best to stay in Egypt?

How much money do I need for 7 days in Egypt?

A budget traveler can expect to spend around $30 to $50 per day in Egypt, while a mid-range traveler can expect to spend around $50 to $100 per day. It is important to plan ahead and research activities and costs to create a budget that works for you.

Is Cairo safe for American tourists?

In short, Americans and other visitors can rest easy: yes, Egypt is a safe country for tourists.

Is it safe to walk around Cairo at night?

Cairo is very safe even at late night however there are some thing that you have to put in your mind, 1-Don't talk with strangers or trust them, especially those who seem to be very friendly.

Which is better Luxor or Alexandria?

If you feel you need to relax a bit, and take a break from the ancient egyptians – Alexandria by all means. Otherwise Luxor. It has many more sites and things to do.

Is it worth going to Alexandria from Cairo?

Yes, Alexandria is worth a day trip although, as others have pointed out, it will be a long day (even if you decline the visits to a Papyrus Institute, alabaster factory, perfume shop and souvenir shop – all time-wasters that earn commission for your guide).

How many days do you need in Cairo and Giza?

With 2 days in Cairo and Giza, you have enough time to visit the Pyramids of Giza, explore the amazing Egyptian Museum, and walk through Islamic Cairo. But what if you want to skip some of the sights in Cairo and go on a day trip instead? You can do that, too.

What is the cheapest way to get around Egypt?

The cheapest but slowest way to travel is via the train and bus network. Trains notoriously run several hours late, and government travel advice recommends being wary of bus journeys – particularly at night or if travelling alone.

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