Can you swim in Napali coast?

The only way to legally access this beach is by swimming to it! Disclaimer: The swim to Honopu Beach should only be attempted by extremely confident & strong swimmers who are familiar with the currents and ocean conditions of Kauai. It can be deadly if you are unprepared or if conditions are rough.

Can you swim in Wailua Bay?

The water is usually to rough for swimmers, but on a good day it's great for its wading in the warm tropical waters.

Where not to swim in Kauai?

Has there been a tsunami in Kauai?

The recorded history of Hawaiian tsunamis shows that 26 large tsunamis have made landfall within the islands and 8 have had significant damaging effects on Kauai. The last of these damaging tsunamis occurred in 1964, yet before this time (since 1868), a damaging tsunami reached Kauai on average once every 12 yr.

How often does Kauai get tsunamis?

once every 12 yrThe recorded history of Hawaiian tsunamis shows that 26 large tsunamis have made landfall within the islands and 8 have had significant damaging effects on Kauai. The last of these damaging tsunamis occurred in 1964, yet before this time (since 1868), a damaging tsunami reached Kauai on average once every 12 yr.

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