What time does it get dark in Canary Islands in November?

How many hours of sun during November? For the month of November in Gran Canaria you will enjoy just over 11 hours of daylight, with the sun rising at around 7:20am and setting just after 6:15pm.

What time is daylight in Spain in November?

When is sunrise and sunset in November. The average day in Barcelona during November has 9.9 hours of daylight, with sunrise at 7:38 AM and sunset at 5:33 PM.

What time is sunrise and sunset in Tenerife in November?

November 2023 — Sun in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

2023 Sunrise/Sunset
Nov Sunrise Sunset
21 7:31 am ↑ 6:09 pm ↑
90° 60° 30° 0° -30° -60° -90° Rise 7:31 am 112°ESE Meridian 12:50 pm 180°S Set 6:09 pm 248°WSW ↑ ↓ 12:50 pm Altitude 42° Heading ↑180°S Position Day
22 7:32 am ↑ 6:09 pm ↑

What time does it get dark in Tenerife in November?

Why does it get dark so late in Spain?

That is because Spain (except the Canary Islands) is in the wrong time zone. Madrid is on a similar line of longitude to Swansea in Wales. Its clocks are set to Central European Time, the same as Warsaw or Tirana, some 24 degrees or 2,000kms (1,200 miles) to the east. Spanish time is a historical anomaly.

How busy is Tenerife in November?

November is true low season, and tourism slows to a trickle, a breath of calm before the Christmas festivities. The north can be cloudy, but days are still warm, making this a great month for a winter-sun fix before the big crowds rock up.

Which country has 24 hours darkness?

Svalbard is a group of islands between Norway and the North Pole and is pretty much as far north as you can go without joining an arctic science expedition. The area is famous for attracting visitors during the polar night season of mid-November to the end of January when the islands are in constant night.

Which country has the longest night?

Longyearbyen, Svalbard, NorwayLongyearbyen, located on the Svalbard island, is well-known for its polar nights. From late October to mid-February, the sun remains below the horizon, resulting in an extended period of darkness.

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