Is it better to sit in front or behind exit row?

Exit row seats have extra legroom, which is great, although most airlines now charge for them. However, I steer clear of the seats one row in front of the exit row, since these seats have their recline mechanisms disabled so they don't block the emergency exits if people need to leave the plane in a hurry.

What is the best position to sit in plane crash?

A study of flight data this week showed the propellers on the engines of the ATR-72 turboprop were feathered before the plane crashed, killing all 72 people onboard. In the rare case that a plane goes down, some research indicates that the safest place to be sitting is in a middle seat near the back of a plane.

Is sitting at the back of the plane the best?

The back of the plane is definitely the worst place to sit for travelers who hate turbulence since it's far from the plane's center of lift and gravity. This section can also be very loud since some planes have engines and auxiliary power units toward the back of the body that make a lot of noise.

Is it better to sit in front of wing or behind?

Where is the safest place to sit on a plane crash?

middle seatAlthough the question we can ask is; Is there a seat that can keep them the safest in the event of a crash? Aviation specialist Doug Drury from Central Queensland University has analysed different seating options and has concluded that the middle seat is the safest option in the case of a plane crash.

How do I prevent ear blockage when flying?


  1. Yawn and swallow during ascent and descent. …
  2. Use the Valsalva maneuver during ascent and descent. …
  3. Don't sleep during takeoffs and landings. …
  4. Reconsider travel plans. …
  5. Use an over-the-counter nasal spray. …
  6. Use decongestant pills cautiously. …
  7. Take allergy medication. …
  8. Try filtered earplugs.

Why you should sit at the back of the plane?

If you really need the sleep, a seat towards the back will also put you further away from children, since they are typically sat towards the bulkhead seats. You also won't be blocked in by the bar and food carts, making it easy to access the restroom whenever you need it.

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