What time does the Volcano National Park open?

Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park is open 24 hours a day year-round. Kīlauea Visitor Center and Park Store is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Kahuku Unit section of the park is located between mile markers 70 and 71 miles south of Hilo. This section is open Wednesday through Sunday) from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

How much time should you spend at Volcano National Park?

You "can" do a whirlwind in a day but won't get to actually do much. If there is lava actually flowing you would want to see it and it is best to view it at night. I would say minimum, 2 full days to see just the park., more if you plan any long hikes. Yes 3 days would be fine.

What time should you arrive at Volcano National Park?

How fast is the volcano boarding?

The Cerro Negro volcano board is fast but fun! Riders can reach speeds of 32-96 kph (20-60 mph). To go slower, sit upright and lean back to go faster. Remember that safety comes first, so while you want to go fast, control your speed to avoid falling off.

How long to stay in volcano Park?

2 days is ideal to give you plenty of time to enjoy your park visit, do some hiking, see lava, and have flexibility in your trip depending on the weather. It is possible to see the top highlights in 1 day but you'll be limited to things around Crater Rim Drive unless you get an early start.

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