What is the rank of tourism in India?

Foreign and domestic tourist visits by State

Rank State/Union Territory Share in %
1 Tamil Nadu 20.9
2 Uttar Pradesh 14.2
3 Karnataka 10.9
4 Andhra Pradesh 10.0


Is the tourism industry the biggest?

Tourism is one of the world's largest industries, generating an estimated 11%1 of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employing 200 million people and transporting nearly 700 million international travellers per year a figure that is expected to double by 2020.

Which state has most tourism in India?

India, with its diverse culture and rich history, attracts millions of tourists every year. The most visited state by domestic tourists is Tamil Nadu, while Maharashtra tops the list for foreign tourists.

Is tourism the largest industry in India?

Why is India known for tourism?

The country is known for its rich cultural heritage, diverse geography, and historical landmarks, which attract tourists from all over the world. Additionally, India is home to several UNESCO World Heritage sites, exotic wildlife, and adventure tourism opportunities.

The country is known for its rich cultural heritage, diverse geography, and historical landmarks, which attract tourists from all over the world. Additionally, India is home to several UNESCO World Heritage sites, exotic wildlife, and adventure tourism opportunities.

Why is tourism famous in India?

The country is known for its rich cultural heritage, diverse geography, and historical landmarks, which attract tourists from all over the world. Additionally, India is home to several UNESCO World Heritage sites, exotic wildlife, and adventure tourism opportunities.

Does India get a lot of tourism?

India is experiencing what Omri Morgenshtern, CEO of travel and bookings website Agoda, calls a tourism “boom,” and is currently “the biggest growing outbound destination.” While the total number of travelers coming from some other countries is higher, no nation's tourism sector is growing as fast as India's, he adds.

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