How long does it take to walk down the steps in Fira?

The famous 600 steps of the traditional road that connect the old port with the town of Fira. The walk is about 20-30 minutes, depending on your physical condition. The donkeys used to be the traditional transportation way of the island.

Is Fira better than Oia?

Fira is the isalnd's capital and the livelier village of the two with much more nightlife and shopping. Oia is the more luxurious village with romantic restaurants and high-end shopping.

Is Fira as pretty as Oia?

For views – both offer great views of the caldeira, but I have a preference for Oia. For photography – I think Oia offers more interesting angles and scenery for photography. For people who want to explore by bus – Fira is where all the buses depart and return, hence, way more practical. For shopping and nightlife – …

Can you walk around Fira?

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