What type of airspace is from the ground to 700 ft or 1200 ft air traffic control does not assist any traffic in this class of airspace?

Class E airspace baseIn most areas, the Class E airspace base is 1,200 feet AGL. In many other areas, the Class E airspace base is either the surface or 700 feet AGL. Some Class E airspace begins at an MSL altitude depicted on the charts, instead of an AGL altitude.

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Is Class G Airspace 700 or 1200?

In most places, G Airspace starts at the surface and goes up 700′ AGL or 1200′ AGL where Class E starts.

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What depicts a Class E airspace that begins at 700 ft AGL?

Recall that the thick and fuzzy magenta circle or set of lines indicate Class E airspace starting at 700 ft. AGL. Everywhere else, meaning anytime you're outside of the thick and fuzzy magenta circle or set of lines, or nothing is being indicated on the sectional chart, Class E airspace starts at 1,200 ft. AGL.

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What is 700 AGL transition area?

If Class E starts at 700' AGL, Class G starts at the surface and extends to – but doesn't include – 700' AGL. This is called a 'transition area', where VFR and IFR traffic are separated around an airport to avoid conflicts or collisions.

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Where is Class G airspace?

Class G airspace will always start at the ground and go up to 14,500′ msl as a maximum. The reason we put that in bold is because it is likely to appear on your written exam! In all reality, Class G airspace always ends well before 14,500′ msl due to another layer of airspace being on top of it.

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Can Class E airspace extend from 700 or 1200 feet AGL to but not including?

Federal airways and low-altitude RNAV routes are Class E airspace and unless otherwise specified, extend upward from 1,200 feet AGL to, but not including, 18,000 feet MSL.

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How far does Class G airspace go?

14,500′ mslClass G airspace will always start at the ground and go up to 14,500′ msl as a maximum.

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What is Class E or G airspace?

Class D is used for all control zones and most terminal areas. Class E is generally used for all airspace from 3500 feet to FL195, with the exception of TMA's and airspace over the North Sea. Class F is not used. Class G is used below 3500 feet, except around controlled airports, and below FL195 over the North Sea.

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How high is Class G airspace?

14,500′ mslClass G airspace will always start at the ground and go up to 14,500′ msl as a maximum.

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What is the altitude of Class D airspace?

Class D areas should normally extend upward from the surface up to and including 2,500 feet AGL. The altitude must be converted to MSL and rounded to the nearest 100 feet.

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What type of airspace is from the ground to 700 ft or 1200 ft?

How far out does Class D airspace extend?

2,500 feet AGLClass D areas should normally extend upward from the surface up to and including 2,500 feet AGL. The altitude must be converted to MSL and rounded to the nearest 100 feet.

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How far up does Class G airspace extend?

14,500′ mslClass G airspace will always start at the ground and go up to 14,500′ msl as a maximum.

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How far out does Class B airspace go?

Generally, Class B Airspace extends from the altitude of the airport up to 10,000ft MSL. Laterally, it normally contains three different areas of airspace, laid out like an upside-down wedding cake. The bottom shelf is normally a cylinder, extending 10nm away from the airport, and going from the surface to the ceiling.

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How far out is Class D airspace?

2,500 feetClass D airspace is most often found starting at the surface and extending up to and including 2,500 feet within a radius of 5 statute miles from the primary airport.

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Does Class E airspace go to the ground?

Class E airspace rarely goes all the way to the surface, and in non-mountainous terrain, the floor of Class E airspace is typically 700 feet or 1,200 feet AGL.

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How tall is Class B airspace?

The airspace within 30 nautical miles of an airport listed in Appendix D, Section 1 of 14 CFR Part 91 (generally primary airports within Class B airspace areas), from the surface upward to 10,000 feet MSL.

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How high is Class C airspace?

4,000 feetThe ceiling of a Class C airspace should be 4,000 feet above the primary airport's field elevation. The surface area extends from the surface to the upper limit of the airspace.

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How high is Class B airspace?

10,000 feet MSLThe airspace within 30 nautical miles of an airport listed in Appendix D, Section 1 of 14 CFR Part 91 (generally primary airports within Class B airspace areas), from the surface upward to 10,000 feet MSL.

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How far out does Class C airspace go?

The ceiling of a Class C airspace should be 4,000 feet above the primary airport's field elevation. The surface area extends from the surface to the upper limit of the airspace. The floor of the airspace between the 5 and the 10 NM must extend from no lower than 1,200 feet AGL to the upper limit of the airspace.

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How far up does Class C airspace go?

4,000 feetVertical Limits.The ceiling of a Class C airspace should be 4,000 feet above the primary airport's field elevation. The surface area extends from the surface to the upper limit of the airspace.

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