What ID can you use in Ibiza?

PassportPassport or National IDIbiza is part of Spain, in the European Union, making it part of the Schengen Area.

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Do you get ID in clubs in Spain?

The bouncers select who enters more on appearance. Usually a well dressed person will be allowed in. So a photocopy of the main page with the photo should be enough? Spanish law actually requires everyone in Spain to carry government-issued (original) ID at all times.

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How do I know if my ID is black light?

Most states include UV features in their IDs that are only visible under blacklight. Check to see if the ID has any UV features, and then shine a blacklight on it. If the features are visible, it's likely authentic. If there are no UV features or they're visible without a blacklight, it's likely fake.

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Do you need ID for Ibiza clubs?

Do Spanish clubs ask for ID?

The legal drinking age in Spain is 18 years old. You may have to show proof of age to enter clubs. so my national identification is enough (ID card)? Celine, an ID card is sufficient.

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What do bouncers do with fake IDs?

If they confiscate it, they can then hand that fake ID over to the police, who can arrest you and charge you with a crime. If state law does not allow these workers to confiscate fake IDs, they might still call the cops on you.

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What do bouncers ask about IDs?

You confidently hand your ID to the bouncer. He shines it under his flashlight, looks you up and down smugly, and holds onto it for a second. Whether the ID is real or not, bouncers will often ask questions to confirm. Knowing all the basic information on your ID is always best—name, address, date of birth.

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