What percent of Americans have Travelled abroad?

This said, a pew research survey shows that 71% of adult Americans have, at some point, traveled outside of the US.

How many Americans have gone to Europe?

Popular European destinations like the U.K. (which recorded 3 million American visitors in 2023 through July), France (1.5 million) and Germany (1.6 million) maintained their dominance over the American tourist market, with a total of 11.7 million Americans traveling to Europe, attracting 29.1% of total U.S. citizens …

How many Americans have travelled abroad?

How many Americans travel every year?

The number of outbound tourists is increasing. In 2019, 99.74 million US residents traveled outside the country. During 2020, this number fell sharply to 33.5 million. However, by the end of 2021, outbound tourism showed some recovery, with 49.1 million people traveling outside the borders once more.

Which country do Americans travel to the most?

MexicoThe most popular destination for American travelers is Mexico, with 39.3 million tourists a year. However, tourists from the USA are warmly welcomed in many other countries of the world.

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